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Joyce Kilmer School

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Our mission in the Mahwah School District Media Centers is to develop an enjoyable, educational environment that instructs and supports both students and faculty in areas of technology and Web 2.0; research and library skills; information and 21st century literacies; critical thought and inquiry; and literature appreciation, according to the AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners, the NJCCCS Technology Standards, and the Common Core State Standards.

We hope to see all students become educated scholars who can responsibly interact with and analyze information, locate resources, use technology as a resource for personal and professional goals, and develop a love of learning and reading for their own personal enjoyment and knowledge.

Our vision for a media center is a place where:

  • Every student feels welcomed, comfortable, and safe
  • Students develop a love of reading and literature through readers’ advisory and collection development
  • Rigorous and challenging instruction occurs, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • All students are engaged through differentiated instruction and Multiple Intelligences and Constructivist techniques
  • 21st Century learners and digital citizens develop
  • A culture of inquiry and discovery thrives
  • Students develop critical thinking and evaluative skills, creativity, and imagination
  • Students interact responsibly and ethically with technology and media
  • Students become experts in research and 21st Century literacy
  • Faculty is supported through various professional development and support
  • The Media Specialist and various faculty members collaborate and team-teach, for the benefit of student learning
  • The AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners, the NJCCCS Standards, and the Common Core State Standards are the centerpieces around which all else revolves


Library Phone Number: 201-762-2274

